Complete Your DuckTales collection!
Webby has finally arrived to the Park as part of the permanent Kingdom Quests storyline! Join her as she reunites with Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Uncle Scrooge, and explores the wonders of the Kingdom from the comfort of the Golden Condor.
The Rescuers - Part 3
Madame Medusa finally makes a play for the Devil’s Eye - embarking on what she thinks is the heist of the century! Can Bernard, Miss Bianca and Penny stop her before it’s too late?
Download the update on Tuesday, November 15th*
Wreck-It Ralph Tower Event begins on Thursday, November 17th!
*Note: Some platforms may receive the update at a later time, but don’t worry — everyone will be able to take part in our time-limited events at the same time!
Note II: DuckTales and The Rescuers are permanent content.
- Madame Medusa (Permanent Content)
- Webby (Permanent Content)
- None this update, stay tuned!
- None this update, stay tuned!
- The Golden Condor (Attraction Store)
- None this update, stay tuned!
- None this update, stay tuned!
Note: Tokens available from Token Sources—e.g. Attraction, Enchanted Attractions, Character Activities, etc.—are balanced on an Event/Update basis and are subject to change.
WRECK-IT RALPH TOWER EVENT – November 17th - December 2nd
Maleficent is back, Kingdomers! Do you have what it takes to foil her plans and lift the curse?
Tower Event Dates:
- Chapter 1: November 17th
- Chapter 2: November 22nd
- Chapter 3: November 27th
- Event Ends: December 2nd
Featured Characters:
- Chapter 1: Go Go – Big Hero 6
- Chapter 2: Chip – Beauty and the Beast
- Chapter 3: Ryder – Frozen 2
Refresh Sources:
- Explorations *
- Raven Tappers
- Merlin Shop
- Mickey’s Fun Wheel
- The Meadow
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Zootopia Race Track
- RC Racers
- Lucky Cat Café
- San Fransokyo City
- Frederickson Grounds
- Ito Ishioka Robotics Lab
- Guinevere
- Lightfoot House
- Beast’s Castle
- Be Our Guest Restaurant
- Gaston’s Tavern
- Belle’s House
- Path of Ravens
- Manticore’s Tavern
- Arendelle Courtyard Rink
- Elsa’s Ice Palace
- Troll Knoll
- Wandering Oaken’s
- Enchanted Forest
- Stone Giant Waterfall
- Water Spirit Wave Ride
- Mickey’s House
- Tortuga Tavern
- Al’s Toy Barn
- Steamboat Willie
- Pluto’s House
* Note: Explorations are a new addition to Tower Events! Exploration characters are listed below and the feature is described in Quality of Life Changes.
Chapter 1 Challenge Characters:
- Baymax
- Mickey Mouse
- Jessie
- Cinderella
- Yokai
- Woody
- Goofy
- Bunny
- Wasabi
- Sarge
- Pluto
- Roz
- Fred
- Hamm
- Rex
- Celia Mae
Chapter 1 Exploration Characters:
- Mickey Mouse
- Jessie
- Bo Peep
- Hamm
- Sarge
- Woody
- Goofy
- Ian
- Manticore
- Laurel
- Hiro
- Honey Lemon
- Barley
Chapter 2 Challenge Characters:
- Gaston
- Jessie
- Aurora
- Prince Charming
- Belle
- Woody
- Goofy
- Judy Hopps
- Lumière
- Bo Peep
- Lady Tremaine
- Chief Bogo
- Beast
- Hamm
- Boo
- Pocahontas
Chapter 2 Exploration Characters:
- Mickey Mouse
- Goofy
- Bo Peep
- Jessie
- Woody
- Sarge
- Hamm
- Manticore
- Laurel
- Blazey
- Lefou
- Colt
- Cogsworth
- Ian
- Mrs Potts
- Manticore
Chapter 3 Challenge Characters:
- Hans
- Hamm
- Pascal
- Baloo
- Elsa
- Sarge
- Charles Muntz
- Michael Darling
- Kristoff
- Mickey Mouse
- Maximus
- Nick Wilde
- Anna
- Goofy
- Flash
- Remy
Chapter 3 Exploration Characters:
- Mickey Mouse
- Sarge
- Jessie
- Bo Peep
- Woody
- Manticore
- Laurel
- Olaf
- Barley
- Ian
- Sven
- Honeymaren
- Fire Spirit
BABY PEGASUS CLOUD TAPPERS – December 9th – December 12th
Spawn time: Up to five (5) Baby Pegasus Clouds every four (4) hours.
Possible Leaderboard Rewards:
- Common Blueprint
- Bronze Chests
- Extra Small Elixir Ingots
Possible Milestone Rewards:
- Small Elixir Ingots
- Happiness
- Silver Chests
- Decoration Chests
- Concession Chest
DUST DEVIL TAPPERS – December 4th – December 9th
Spawn time: Up to five (5) Dust Devils every four (4) hours.
Characters Involved:
- Hades
- Pluto
- Hamm
Token Sources (Brush):
- Tinker Bell – Tinker with Things
- Buzz Lightyear – Go to Buzz Lightyear’s Astro Blasters
- Hercules – Use Your Head
- Phil – Scouting for Talent
- Pain – Run for it!
- Panic – Anxieties
Token Sources (Dustpan):
- Donald Duck – Visit Mickey’s
- Woody – Go on Duty
- Meg – I'm a Damsel
- Pegasus – Call of Duty
- Hades – Memo to Me
Possible Leaderboard Rewards:
- Bronze Chests
- Uncommon Blueprint
- Epic Blueprints
Possible Milestone Rewards:
- Medium Elixir Ingots
- Happiness
- Concession Chest
- Legendary Blueprint
- Doc
VIRUS TAPPERS – December 6th – December 11th
Spawn time: Up to five (5) Viruses every four (4) hours.
Characters Involved:
- Gord
- Rex
- Bo Peep
Token Sources (Anti-Virus Chip):
- Drizella Tremaine – Seek Out Treats
- Mickey Mouse – Friend Coming Over
- Vanellope – Relax with Friends
- Felix – Lecture
- Yesss – Counting the Hearts
Token Sources (Virus Tracker):
- Mike Wazowski – Perform Stand-Up
- Jessie – Visit Pizza Panet Aliens
- Calhoun – Heading Home
- Spamley – Collect Loot Hunter Ads
- Shank – Driving for Fun
- Gord – Pop Purchases
Possible Leaderboard Rewards:
- Common Blueprints
- Decoration Chests
- Medium Elixir Ingots
Possible Milestone Rewards:
- Bronze Chests
- Happiness
- Epic Blueprint
- Resource Chests
- Seven Dwarfs’ Cottage
Chapter Previews
- Preview future Chapters and the Characters that can be selected to challenge the Tower
- Preview all of the Tower Shop content that will be available in current and future Chapters
Team Selection
- Each character slot will display a Favored Collection
- When picking a character, if you select a character that is part of the Favored Collection, they will award bonus points and Maleficent Coins
- When your team returns from the tower, the Favored Collection will change for that character slot
- Challenge time has been increased from two (2) hours to four (4) hours
1. Free daily refresh of all tired characters has been removed
2. Additional sources of Refreshes are available through Explorations, Attraction Refreshes and The Token Shop
- Five (5) slots will be available to select an Attraction to drop Refresh Tokens
- Two (2) slots will always be available
- Two (2) additional slots will unlock as each Chapter unlocks
- One (1) additional slot will be available with the Kingdom Pass
- When an Attraction is selected, a timer will be shown that counts down until a Refresh Token can be generated
- The Refresh Token timer is separate from the Attraction’s timer to generate other resources
- If a different Attraction is selected in the same slot, then the refresh timer will be reset
- An Attraction that is owned, but is not placed in the park, can be used to generate a Refresh Token
- Attractions with higher Enchantment Levels will have a better chance of generating a Refresh Token
- A new narrative is being introduced where characters will be able to ‘explore’ the tower
- Each chapter represents a different floor of the tower that will unlock for characters to explore
- Explorations in previous chapters can still be completed after a new chapter has unlocked
- Each Exploration activity will require a character at a certain level to complete
- Completing all of the Explorations in a row or column will unlock an additional reward that can be collected
- Exploration activities have a chance to give an additional Bonus Reward or spawn a Trap
- Bonus Reward: An Exploration activity will reward a chest in addition to the base reward
- Trap: Traps will spawn Tier 2 Tappers in the park. No new Exploration activities can be started until the tappers are cleared. Traps will not affect activities that are already in progress, and their timers will count down as normal. Tier 2 Tappers will reward event currency each time they are cleared.
- Tower Shop contents will offer Base Items, and Bonus Items
- Base items will be available at the start of the events
- Bonus items will become available by completing the requirements shown below the item
- Bonus items will be indicated by the ‘Bonus’ banner on top of the item tile in the shop
- Removed Chapter unlocks on store items
- All Store contents will be available for preview at the start of the event
- New buttons are added to review Explorations and Refreshes
- Leaderboard and Milestone Progression and Rewards are now available under the Progress tab
- Once the Progress tab is selected, Milestones or Leaderboards can be selected and viewed separately
Why do we rebalance the game? Disney Magic Kingdoms is a game with many interconnected systems. Since our initial launch, we have added a lot of new features and content, and each time we do this, it can significantly affect how these systems interact with each other. To ensure that the gameplay experience remains as intended, we are sometimes required to make balancing changes. Ultimately, rebalancing the game is necessary so that Disney Magic Kingdoms is fun and enjoyable for all. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Onward Relic – Rarity changed from Uncommon to Common
The following Decorations have been removed from the possible rewards:
- Flower Statue
- Tiny Treehouse
- Music Note Bush
- Wooden Bench
- San Fransokyo Bench
- Pillar Bench
- Finely Carved Organ
The following Decorations have been added to the possible rewards:
- Fix-it Felix Jr. Arcade
- Sugar Rush Arcade
- Hero's Duty Arcade
- Ice Bench
- Storm Lantern
- Snow White Bench
- Frozen Fountain
The following Concessions have been removed from the possible rewards:
- The Lost Princess Ice Cream Stand
- Herculade Stand
- Baby Bird Plushie Stand
- Barrel's Lollipop Stand
- Peanut Concession
- Stitch Headband Stand
- Ceramic Cup Hot Chocolate Stand
- The Tweedles' Cap Stand
The following Concessions have been added to the possible rewards:
- Burnt Pie Stand
- Manticore Milkshake Stand
- Staff of Magic Stand
- Giant Cherry Stand
- Peppermint Lollipops Stand
- Partysaurus Party Supply
- LeFou's Brew Stand
- Elsa Tiara Stand
The following items have been added to the possible rewards:
- Black Flame Candle
The following items have been added to the possible rewards:
- Sarah's Pretty Spider
- Sarah Sanderson Ears Hat
- Mary's Cauldron
- Mary Sanderson Ears Hat
- Winifred's Broom
- Black Flame Candle
- Webby's Doll
- Madame Medusa's Earrings
The following items have been added to the possible rewards:
- Sarah's Pretty Spider
- Sarah Sanderson Ears Hat
- Mary's Cauldron
- Mary Sanderson Ears Hat
- Winifred's Broom
- Winifred Sanderson Ears Hat
- Black Flame Candle
- Webby's Doll
- Webby Ears Hat
- Madame Medusa's Earrings
- Madame Medusa Ears Hat
The following items have been removed from the possible rewards:
- Onward Parade Float
The following items have been added to the Merlin’s Shop:
- Sarah's Pretty Spider
- Sarah Sanderson Ears Hat
- Mary's Cauldron
- Mary Sanderson Ears Hat
- Winifred's Broom
- Winifred Sanderson Ears Hat
- Webby's Doll
- Webby Ears Hat
- Madame Medusa's Earrings
- Madame Medusa Ears Hat
- Single Refresh
- The Golden Condor
- Onward Relic
- Frozen Relic
- Shadow Lantern
- Shadow Candle